100 Things to Keep you Busy
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100 Things to Keep you Busy

Discover endless fun with "100 Things to Keep You Busy" – a curated list for delightful activities to beat boredom!

  • Mon 4 Jan
  • Blog

100 Things to Keep you Busy

By Amber Parris


In need of some inspiration to keep you and the little ones entertained?

We’ve populated an exhaustive (exhausting!) list of ideas to keep the whole family busy in 2021.

1. Write a blog
2. Start journaling
3. Read a book you’ve never had the time to read but always wanted to
4. Start watching a new TV series
5. Re-organise and take stock of your fridge and cupboards

6. Clean your windows
7. Plant something new in your garden
8. Make your own quiz night
9. Try to draw your favourite memory
10. Press some flowers

11. Make some greeting cards for family
12. Write a letter to a loved one
13. Try making your own candles
14. Try a new recipe
15. Bake some bread

16. Do research on your favourite author
17. Clean your garage
18. Put a scavenger hunt on for your kids
19. Make a pillow fort
20. Have a movie night

21. Try making your own takeaway food
22. Re-watch some classic Disney movies
23. Play the ‘floor is lava’
24. Take a walk in nature
25. Go on a bug hunt

26. Do a home workout from YouTube
27. Take up an instrument
28. Learn a new language
29. Phone/Facetime your relative
30. Have a photoshoot with your kids

31. Play a game of charades
32. Make a healthy smoothie
33. Purge your social media of negativity
34. Scrapbook your last holiday
35. Take up yoga

36. Dance like no one is watching
37. Sing like no one is listening
38. Descale your kettle
39. Clean your oven
40. Stick to a healthy sleep schedule

41. Take up meditation
42. Sell your old clothes on Ebay or Depop
43. Throw out all your socks with holes in
44. Dust your plants
45. Vacuum under your bed

46. Make a bucket list of things to do after you get out of quarantine
47. Cosy up on the sofa and play Animal Crossing
48. Learn to make a new cocktail
49. Research your family tree with Ancestry.com
50. Plan your dream holiday

51. Plan a party
52. Mood board your next room design
53. Research a country you know nothing about
54. Cut out fashion from magazines and create a dream wardrobe
55. Set up a bird feeder and research the birds that visit

56. Make an insect home in your garden
57. Grow your own butterflies and watch them hatch
58. Teach your dog a new trick
59. Attempt to teach your cat a trick
60. Make your own dog treats

61. Cook dinner for your partner and light some candles
62. Join Spotify and stream the Covid-19 quarantine party playlist
63. Put on a play with your kids
64. Discover a new youtube creator
65. Make up a dance routine with your family

66. Try ballroom dancing with your partner from youtube tutorials
67. Take up Ballet
68. Select your top 10 movies and write reviews on them
69. Clean your makeup brushes
70. Clean/polish your shoes

71. Make a TikTok account
72. Create an Instagram page for your furry friend
73. Make some fresh lemonade
74. Run a mile
75. Run a mile again but in less time

76. Create a still life painting
77. Collect objects from outside to make a collage with
78. Tie Dye an old t-shirt
79. Embroider a cushion or piece of clothing
80. Make your own Crunchie bar

81. Have a games night
82. Grow a beard
83. Make your own pasta
84. Make paper aeroplanes and race them
85. Sharpen your knives
86. Put on a shadow/sock puppet play

87. Use an Skyview to find out what constellations are out right now and take up stargazing
88. Label and name your houseplants
89. Clean your fish tank
90. Take up calligraphy

91. Learn how to touch-type
92. Find out about your local history
93. Rearrange your furniture for a fresh look
94. Take up knitting
95. Go foraging for food for free

96. Take a maths exam and see if you’re as smart as you think you are
97. Make a music video
98. Make your own soap
99. Make your own Hand sanitiser
100. Share this blog with 5 friends

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